From Struggling to Success: How Our Strategies Took Digital Marketer Evelyn to $100k Monthly Recurring Revenue

Natalia Zarechenskaya
24 March, 2023
Facebook, Instagram

In the world of digital marketing, coaches play a crucial role in helping businesses reach their goals. However, it’s not always easy to get consistent leads and sales. In this case study, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the exact process we used to help Evelyn, a digital marketing coach, increase her profits using our marketing strategy.

From Facebook campaigns, to new products and offers, to testing and scaling, you’ll discover the insights and recommendations that led to consistent profitable results.

Table of Contents

Client Background and Challenges
Stage 1 – Facebook Ads and Optimizations
Stage 2 – New Products, Testing, and Scaling
Stage 3 – New Ads, Recommendations, and Scaling
Stage 4 – Scaling, New Ads, and Email Marketing
Stage 5 – New offers, New Platforms, and Scaling
Key takeaways

Client Background and Challenges

Evelyn’s business was facing challenges with generating leads and increasing revenue. Despite a lot of efforts, her ads were not getting the desired results, and her account was even disabled a few times. That’s when she turned to us for help before our team of experts implemented a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Stage 1 – Facebook Ads and Optimizations

We started our journey with Evelyn by implementing multiple Facebook campaigns. After analyzing the results and making recommendations, we were able to improve performance. Here is what we launched at the 1st stage:

Facebook Campaigns

1.1 Reach Campaign

In March 2020, we developed a reach campaign leading people to Evelyn’s landing page where they could watch a free video guide on how to find winning course ideas.

“Watch This FREE Video Guide Before You Create Your Course. 90% of Courses fail. Learn from this free presentation how to find winning course ideas and avoid wasting time and money creating a course that nobody wants to buy!”

1.2 Full-funnel Ads and Testing Audiences

Later we launched ads for top, middle, and bottom-of-the-funnel audiences and tested four different ad sets. We used interests in digital marketing, coaching, online learning communities, and industry instructors to target these audiences.

1.3 COVID Campaign

  • We took advantage of the COVID-19 situation and created a stay-at-home campaign for the cold audience with a compelling hook:
  • “Now that you have to stay at home, isn’t it time to translate your passion for teaching into Revenue-Driving online courses?”
  • After a few weeks of running ads, we made recommendations to improve performance, including recording an introduction video about the product, a video interview with clients, and creating lead magnets.

1.4 Conversion, Lead Magnet, Social Proof Campaigns

We launched conversion campaigns for three different lead magnets, created a post-engagement campaign for new ads to collect social proof for them, and a lead generation campaign to collect more social proof.

1.5 Facebook Group Campaigns

To grow Evelyn’s Facebook group, we also created a traffic campaign.

The Results

  • 150 FB group members for the 7 days;
  • $1500 in revenue with ad spent $133

Need Help With Facebook Ads? 🚀

Make sure to contact us for a free consultation.

Stage 2 – New Products, Testing, and Scaling

At this stage, we continued implementing Facebook campaigns promoting Evelyn’s new products, as
well as new offers. We also tested a new audience (resulting in a better return on ad spend) and
duplicated the best-performing campaigns

Facebook Campaigns

Lead generation, New Products, and New Offer

We created a lead generation campaign, with Evelyn’s new product – templates – as a lead magnet,
as well as ads for new products: animated templates for FB ads, a course launch planner, and a
strategic webinar planner.

We also launched ads with a very appealing offer: 80% off on the course and a workbook

The results at this stage:

We tested the audience of female entrepreneurs and lookalikes, resulting in a ROAS improvement of
1.6. The best-performing campaigns were duplicated, and the budget was doubled.

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Stage 3 -New ads, Recommendations, and Scaling

In this stage, we developed new Facebook campaigns (focused on both sales and increasing
Instagram followers), and promoted Evelyn’s Youtube channel. We also carried on with testing and
providing recommendations, resulting in a conversion rate improvement of 3.07%.

3.1 Facebook Campaigns

Membership ads, Full-funnel CBO Campaigns, and Retargeting

We started running ads for the membership program for all audiences with a new style for the

During the next few months, we created full-funnel CBO campaigns for new products, and we
continued increasing the budget. The best campaign for this period was the membership offer.

We also made retargeting campaigns, using testimonials in the creatives:

Scaling and New Campaigns

We doubled the budget for the membership campaign, and also created new campaigns:

  • 7-day free trial for the retargeting campaigns
  • Video View campaign using Evelyn’s educational videos, from which we collected an audience of
    video viewers
  • A campaign for Evelyn’s first workshop, which resulted in 65 users

Here’s the client’s feedback:

“On the weekend I hosted my first paid workshop with 65 people that signed up. The feedback was
really great and I even have video testimonials.”

After that, we launched a new campaign for Evelyn’s new workshop and increased the budget. The
daily ad spend was around $100-150.

At this time the client created a YouTube channel. We started lead traffic to the channel to
increase subscribers.

More Testing

We tested new creatives, as well as a new hook: comparing our product with competitors.

During this period the results improved:


We suggested a few optimizations for Evelyn’s landing page: emphasizing CTAs, adding
testimonials, and making it shorter – up to 4-5 scrolls. The client implemented our
recommendations, resulting in a conversion rate improvement of 3.07%.

Small Changes, Big Results 🔥

Get in touch and let our team of experts take a holistic overview of your business so you can
maximize your profits.

Stage 4 – Scaling, New Ads, and Email Marketing

This time we continued scaling campaigns by increasing the budget by 20-25% each week. We also
implemented new ads and decreased the budget for conversions in order to invest in growing
Evelyn’s email list.

Facebook Campaigns

New Membership, Upselling, and Testing

We advertised Evelyn’s new membership and started upselling people with other products which
helped increase the average order value and revenue. We increased the budget by 25%.

We also focused on new countries and tested look-alike and interest-based audiences.

The results for December 2021:

We started testing new hooks:

And new ad copy:

“If you’re looking to become a sought-after expert and scale your impact fast, you need the right
tools and proven templates and strategies…

But other than what gurus try to convince you of, you don’t need to spend a small fortune on
courses and coaching.

But don’t take my word for it. Check out the countless testimonials that confirm that this
$7/month all-inclusive online program has it all”

Email Marketing

The client started using email marketing for leads we collected during the whole period. We
reduced the budget for conversion campaigns and relocated more money to the lead generation
campaign in order to collect more leads.

We used this offer:

Then the client used the leads in email flows. It generated the best results.

Let us help you generate consistent profits 💸

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Stage 5 – New offers, New Platforms, and Scaling

We continued advertising on Facebook, and proposed running ads through Pinterest and Google.

Facebook Campaigns

We continued scaling Facebook campaigns and implemented new campaigns including new products,
offers, and creatives.

Here’s one of our best-performing campaigns:

We also achieved great results from a new offer: “The first step-by-step action guide to go from
0 to 50k/month as a coach or course creator WITHOUT selling high-ticket offers or sending direct
messages to strangers.”


We implemented Youtube ads for a total of five videos. The content of the videos involved guides,
tips, and strategies such as “How to grow your email list using Facebook” and “5 unusual lead
magnet ideas”.

Here’s one of them:

How I make 50k/month from low-ticket (Roadmap Walkthrough)


For Pinterest, we implemented the same campaign structure as we were using on Facebook. We also
boosted pins:

Google Ads

For Google, we implemented search and discovery campaigns for a variety of audiences and keywords
(which we also used for Youtube ads).

We adjusted the structure of the campaigns over a period of 2 months, then focused on scaling the
best-performing campaigns for the following months.

The revenue varied across these months. Here are the results for the month of December:

  • Purchases: 616
  • ROAS – 3,53
  • Revenue – €5,526.36
  • Amount Spend – €1,565.33

And here are the results for 2022 with a monthly breakdown:

How It’s Going Now
Evelyn recently launched a digital shop for her product, so we’re working on driving traffic to
her shop.
Closing Off
We hope you’ve gained valuable insights from this case study!

Here’s a summary of key takeaways:

  • For Facebook ads, it’s crucial to implement what works best for conversions: image ads and offers
    as part of a well-crafted funnel.
  • Use lead magnets. From our experience, converting cold traffic is incredibly difficult. By using
    lead magnets, you can show your expertise and build a relationship with potential customers
    prior to selling.
  • Prioritize great copy. Add persuasion elements such as specific numbers, power words, and a
    sense of urgency. This ensures your ads are attention-grabbing and ultimately high-converting.
  • Testing, testing, and more testing! This is the only way to accurately measure what works best
    with your target audience.
  • For Google ads, focus on search campaigns, as they allow you to target a highly-qualified
  • For Youtube ads, focus on tutorials – this provides a lot of value for the target audience and
    allows you to show your expertise.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you scale your coaching business,
make sure to contact us for a free consultation.

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