Brand Voice: How to Define Your Unique Brand Voice and Stand Out

by Yulia Malova
10 March, 2023

Brand Voice: How to Define Your Unique Brand Voice and Stand Out

In a world where consumers are faced with an overwhelming amount of information and choices  every day, having a unique and memorable brand voice can help a brand stand out and make a lasting impression. Your individuality sets you apart and the same concept applies to brands through their brand voice.
In this blog post, we'll explore why brand voice is important and how brands can define a unique brand voice.

Why is brand voice important?

Brand voice is a combination of the personality, tone, and style that a brand uses in its communications. It encompasses the words, phrases, and messaging that are used to connect with a target audience.  It's the way a company speaks to its audience and the language it uses to convey its messages.  A well-defined brand voice helps connect with customers on an emotional level, creates a sense of trust and loyalty, and reinforces a consistent brand identity across all channels and touchpoints.

Establishing Your Own Brand’s Voice in 6 Steps.

Enforcing a strong brand identity across all marketing channels may seem challenging. But, if you follow these steps, making your brand stand out need not be a daunting task.

Step 1: Conduct market research.

Market research is a crucial step in defining a brand's unique voice. Before determining the personality, tone, and language style of your brand, it's important to have a deep understanding of your target audience and competitors.

In the e-commerce industry, there are many examples of brands that have effectively executed market research to define their brand voice.

A supplement brand Naturtreu conducted extensive research to understand their target audience and developed a brand voice that is friendly, informative, and community-focused, with an emphasis on natural and organic products that are both healthy and sustainable.

This approach has helped Naturtreu connect with their audience and establish a strong brand identity.

Another e-commerce brand that has effectively leveraged market research is Naples Soap Company. The company conducted extensive research to understand their target audience and found that their customers value natural and effective skincare products, while also prioritizing sustainability and ethical business practices.

Naples Soap Company's brand voice is upbeat, positive, and empowering, with an emphasis on the importance of self-care, and position their products as an essential component of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

By understanding your target audience and competitors, you can create a brand voice that resonates with your target market and helps you stand out from the competition.

Step 2: Understanding the Brand’ Values and Personality.

A brand's personality is more than just a tagline or a logo. It's the unique character, tone, and values that a brand embodies in all its interactions and communications. Understanding your brand's core values and personality is key to creating a strong, consistent, and memorable brand image.
Brand values are the principles that guide a brand's decision-making and determine what it stands for. They form the foundation of the brand and shape its identity. 
One of our clients, Woodwatch, values sustainability, quality, and innovation, with a unique and adventurous personality that appeals to individuals who are looking for a stylish and eco-friendly alternative to traditional watches.

Brand personality refers to the unique character and tone that a brand adopts in its communication. It encompasses the words, phrases, and messaging that a brand uses to connect with its target audience. A well-defined brand personality helps build a strong brand identity and makes the brand more relatable and memorable to customers.

Source: Nike facebook account

Nike is known for its bold and confident brand personality, which is reflected in its iconic "Just Do It" slogan.

Consider what your brand stands for, what makes it unique, and what values it wants to convey. Think about your target audience and what they are looking for in a brand. Use this information to craft a brand personality that resonates with your target audience and aligns with your core values.

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Step 3: Decide on the tone you want to use in your communication.

The tone you use in your communication can greatly impact the way your brand is perceived. By choosing a tone that aligns with your brand's personality and values, you can create a consistent and memorable brand experience for your target audience.

Mintca,  our other client,  uses an elegant, sophisticated, and refined tone in communication with a focus on creating a sense of exclusivity and luxury around their brand.

Another brand we work with that has effectively leveraged a specific tone in their communication is Sneakertopia.

Overall, Sneakertopia's tone of communication is energetic, enthusiastic, and fun, with a focus on celebrating sneaker culture and the creative expression of its fans. The messaging is designed to appeal to a young and diverse audience, who are passionate about sneaker culture and the creative expression that it represents

This approach has helped Sneakertopia connect with their target audience and establish a strong brand identity.

Step 4: Choose specific words and language styles.

Choosing the right words and language styles for your brand communication is crucial in creating a consistent brand image and resonating with your audience. 
Here are a few tips on how to make the right choices for your brand:

4.1 Know Your Target Audience

Understanding the demographic, needs, and preferences of your target audience is the first step in deciding on the right words and language styles. For example, if you’re targeting a younger, tech-savvy audience, using contemporary language and avoiding technical jargon may be the way to go.

4.2 Align with Your Brand Personality

The words and language styles you choose should align with the personality and values of your brand. A luxury fashion brand may opt for a sophisticated and elegant tone, while a fun and playful e-commerce brand like Islideusa may use a more informal and conversational tone.

4.3 Consider Competitors

Analyzing the words and language styles used by your competitors can give you valuable insight into what works and what doesn’t in your industry. However, it’s important to distinguish yourself from the competition by finding your own unique voice.

4.4 Embrace empathy

Rather than solely focusing on the features and benefits of your products or services, try to understand and connect with your audience on an emotional level. This can help to build a deeper relationship and foster a sense of trust.

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Step 5: Create a brand voice guide

Once you have defined your brand's core values, personality, tone, and language styles, create a brand voice guide to outline the standards and coherence in your brand communication.
Here are some examples of elements that can be included in a brand voice guide:

5.1 Tone of Voice

This section outlines the tone that the brand intends to convey in its communications. This can be a combination of adjectives such as confident, approachable, serious, or humorous, depending on the brand's personality.

5.2 Language Style

This section defines the specific language style to be used in all communications, such as the use of technical terms, industry jargon, or colloquial expressions.

5.3 Word Choice

This section outlines the specific words or phrases that should be used in different contexts to maintain consistency in brand messaging. For example, a brand may choose to use certain buzzwords or taglines in their advertising campaigns to reinforce its messaging.

5.4 Tone of Communication

This section outlines the specific tone to be used in different types of communications such as emails, blog posts, social media posts, or customer service interactions.

5.5 Dos and Don'ts

This section provides guidelines on what is appropriate and what is not appropriate in terms of language, tone, and word choice. This can help prevent confusion and ensure that the brand's messaging remains consistent across all platforms.

After taking a closer look at Silver Phantom Jewelry's brand, it's clear that they really focus on making luxury, high-quality jewelry that's totally unique, timeless, and made with the best materials around. Their brand guide emphasizes these values and really positions them as a super high-end, exclusive jewelry company that makes one-of-a-kind pieces that you can enjoy forever.

Step 6: Maintain and Evolve Your Brand Voice Over Time

It's important to regularly review and update the brand voice guide to ensure that it remains relevant and consistent with the brand's image and mission. You can also consider seeking feedback from customers to see how they perceive the brand voice and make changes as needed.


A unique and distinctive brand voice can help a brand stand out and make a lasting impression on its customers. By embracing empathy, creativity, unpredictability, staying true to your brand values, and maintaining consistency across all platforms, you can create a strong and recognizable image in the minds of customers.

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Market research is a crucial step in defining a brand's unique voice. Before determining the personality, tone, and language style of your brand, it's important to have a deep understanding of your target audience and competitors.

In the e-commerce industry, there are many examples of brands that have effectively executed market research to define their brand voice.

A supplement brand Naturtreu conducted extensive research to understand their target audience and developed a brand voice that is friendly, informative, and community-focused, with an emphasis on natural and organic products that are both healthy and sustainable.

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A unique and distinctive brand voice can help a brand stand out and make a lasting impression on its customers. By embracing empathy, creativity, unpredictability, staying true to your brand values, and maintaining consistency across all platforms, you can create a strong and recognizable image in the minds of customers.

by Yulia Malova
10 March, 2023

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